Books & Anthologies

A Bundle of Careful Compromises |
Book (Outriders Poetry Project, 2014)
A Bundle of Careful Compromises (Outriders Poetry Project 2014) is a sequence of prose-poem elegies rife with medicinal gobbledygook appropriate for and challenging to the prevailing treatments of the insurance and healthcare system. Find it here.
Connections & Choreography |
Chapbook (Bottlecap Press, 2024)
In Connections & Choreography, Jacob Schepers assembles a textual experiment consisting of poetic fragments—lines and phrases—undergoing transformation across four rearrangements. "This is an example of movable type," one section announces, and while the chapbook’s formal innovative constraint may often seem to fit the bill as the prima donna of this imagined production, what ends up taking center stage is the lasting mystery of how poetic meaning forces its way out of an imposed straightjacket and ends up accumulating lyrical significance and inviting further introspection and interrogation. Find it here.
Shipwreck Abstracted |
Micro-Chapbook (Ghost City Press, 2024)
Released as part of Ghost City Press's 2024 Summer Series, Shipwreck Abstracted traces a maritime narrative to explore abstract questions from metonymic shorthands to the nature of storytelling across its eight poems. Find it here.
My Next Heart: New Buffalo Poetry | Anthology
My Next Heart is a poetry anthology showcasing writers with connections to Buffalo, New York. The book, which includes my poem "[Ugly ground swell moss feels about you]," was edited by Noah Falck and Justin Karcher and published by BlazeVOX in 2017. Find it here and read more about it here.

The links below will bring you to a selection of my poems to be found in various literary journals:
"Becoming Ancient"
(Trampoline, forthcoming) -
"A Tool Imposes Itself Upon Us to Use It"
(Psaltery & Lyre, forthcoming) -
"When You Stop"
(Red Tree Review #4, Summer 2024) -
"Mere Mention"
(Jarfly #7, Spring/Summer 2024) -
"Prime Rib Resting"
(Greensboro Review #115, Spring 2024 [print only]) -
"The Creeping Gait," "Warm Front," and "Home Cooking"
(BELT Magazine, May 2024) -
"Geometry & Other Misnomers"
(Harpur Palate 22.2, April 2024) -
"Rose Constellation Index | 'Avoid Odic Pupae'" and "Advertising Campaign Underwritten by Begonias"
(Broken Lens) -
(The Mantle, re-published in Verse Daily's "Web Weekly" feature) -
"What to Look for When You Look for a Spine," "In Transit on Hold," and "From Russia with Love"
(FRiGG) -
"Antithesis to Stork"
(Wireworm) -
"Summer Wishing Afterward" and "Whiling"
(Voidspace) -
"What I Want When I Want"
"It's Like I Feel Your Lips on My Lips"
(Anti-Heroin Chic) -
"Colder Country"
(Midway Journal) -
"Triptych in Gendered Endings"
(Indianapolis Review) -
"High-Minded Lyricism"
(Neologism Poetry Journal) -
"Saunterer" & "Flaneur"
(Basilisk Tree) -
(Heavy Feather Review) -
(Word For/ Word) -
"Smirnoff Ice"
(A-Minor) -
"Ugly Ground Swell Moss"
& "Ugly Ground It Is Daybreak"
(Burning House Press) -
"Ugly Ground You Sop Up Punishments,"
"Swell Moss What Fear If You Could..."
& "Swell Moss Growing"
(Dream Pop Journal) -
"Ugly Ground You Hold So Much"
(Ghost City Review) -
Four excerpts from "The Sheer Space"
- "I’m not saying addiction’s a deal breaker"
- "Please click here to install the latest Flash..."
- "Think of me as a press release"
(The Destroyer) -
"Spitting on Germans"
([PANK] #8, print only) -
"To the Bird's Nest Built in Our Three-Season Porch" in textsound #14 (read by Lena Wilson and engineered by Eben Mannes)
"How to Talk of Yesterday"
(Verse) -
"The Dog Days of Summer"
(Gulf Stream #8)

Click below to find my reviews
On Luke Johnson's Quiver
(at Cleveland Review of Books) -
On Artis Ostups' Gestures
(at Tupelo Quarterly) -
On Dylan Krieger's Giving Godhead and Brooke Ellsworth's Serenade
(at Entropy) -
On Joshua Marie Wilkinson's Meadow Slasher
(at The Fanzine)